Lipo Freeze 2u HIFU GUide uk

Benefits Of HIFU uk:

Advantages of Hifu uk


HIFU non surgical face lift uk will target brow, jowl and neck lifting, as well as overall skin tightening across the body.

We can show you noticeable improvement in skin tightening, facial contouring, and wrinkles. Contact us today!


HIFU non surgical face lift  is also called Ultherapy or an Ultrasound Facelift

It’s an advanced cosmetic technology that can significantly tighten as well as lift several areas of your face, improve the tone of your skin and reduce the ageing signs in one session, with potential effects that are long-lasting.

HIFU is a  non surgical facelift. Ultrasound energyis used during the treatment to stimulate the deep layers supporting your skin. 

This creates an appearance that is lifted and taut and in addition will stimulate your bodies collagen production which helps skin maintain a youthful glow.

The technology of HIFU non surgical face lift is unique in its capability to penetrate your dermis and the SMAS (superficial muscular aponeurotic system) layer, which is deeper compared to all other facial treatments that are non-invasive. The SMAS is the very layer that’s tightened during the process of conventional face lift surgery.

Suitable candidates for HIFU are people aged 30 years and above and who have seen that the skin on their neck or face has become less firm or supple and want to lift and tighten the relevant areas.

For patients in their thirties, HIFU is used to stimulate the production of collagen, thus help in delaying the ageing process. Most of the times, patients in their forties and fifties are known to be the most common age groups who usually have this treatment.

The HIFU non surgical face lift uk treatment is also for people aged 60 and above provided the skin sagging isn’t too great. Additionally, it is suitable for people who have had surgery previously to extend surgical facelifts effects.

Most Clients find the results from the HIFU non surgical facelift last more than one year. However annual re-visits are recommend to maintain results in the long term. 

 Most patients don’t report any pain during or after treatment. Some people may experience a warm sensation in their skin or a slight aching on their treatment area during the session. See our  HIFI FAQ!

Many treatments have been performed all over the world using High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound technology without significant adverse effects.

Also, people have been using ultrasound energy safely in the medical field for more than five decades. 

HIFU isn’t a replacement for surgery. However, it’s perfect for those who want to uplift their neck and face and aren’t ready for surgery be that financially or psychologically.

It’s regarded as more of an ‘uplift’ instead of a ‘facelift’, and it can be blended with other lifting treatments that are non-surgical to enhance the results further.

HIFU is not classed as surgery. While the ultrasound treatment targets the deep skin layer usually addressed in surgery, it doesn’t involve general anaesthetic or even cutting your skin in any way. This is a non-invasive treatment and perfect for people looking to refresh their skin without the need for surgery.

The HIFU treatment takes between 30 to 90 minutes, it depends on the area that has to be treated.

HIFU is able to target mild skin to moderately loose skin by reconditioning and renewing your skin from within.

HIFU is able to improve your all over skin tightening and bring a more youthful appearance; If for example the treatment is carried out on your brow, which in turn will decrease the excess skin on your eyelids, open your eyes, and give you an overall more refreshed appearance.

People have reported their skin to be firmer and more toned in other areas of their face as well as their neck. Popular HIFU treatment areas include brow lifting, jowl lifting, nasolabial fold reduction, overall skin tightening, neck lifting and tightening and midface lifting.

The majority of people only need one HIFU treatment, but others can benefit from more than a
single treatment.

It depends on how much the individuals skin appears to have lost elasticity and in addition how the treatment area responds to the ultrasound and the process of collagen rebuilding following the HIFU.

Normally, there is no downtime or even recovery time required. Most patients return to their daily activities immediately.

HIFU is often used alongside other treatments for enhancing results like our fat freezing treatments for other parts of the body. Speak to our team today to discuss your personalised treatment plan,